'My first impression of the campus is overwhelming'

| Jari Dokter

It's back on track: the Kick-In! This means that hundreds of new students will be introduced to the UT. What attracts them to come to Enschede, where do they come from and what are they especially looking forward to? U-Today looked them up and introduces you to a few first-year students.

Name: Valentijn Kusters
Age: 18 years
From: Wageningen
Study: Mechanical Engineering

'In my backpack there is a mat and sleeping bag, hopefully I'll find a place to sleep before tonight. Preferably, of course, within my do-group. I am still looking for a room in Enschede where I can live. With a bit of luck, the good news will come tonight, the chance is fifty-fifty. You can also study Mechanical Engineering in Eindhoven, but that didn't really appeal to me. Enschede is more like a village and that is exactly what I was looking for. I already know the city a bit, because my grandmother lived here. During the Kick-In, I want to participate in a lot of activities. I'm also really looking forward to the classical mechanics of my studies.'

Name: Dali Schmolzer
Age: 17 years
From: Zuid-Laren
Education: Industrial Engineering and Management

'My first impression of the campus is overwhelming. It's a lot of fun and everyone is smiling. That is also the reason why I chose the University of Twente. The campus feels like a mini-village. That is of course a big difference with a city like Amsterdam. I didn't want to go there. In addition, my studies at the UT are very well regarded. The fact that it is affordable to live in Enschede is a nice bonus. All my friends stayed in Groningen. So I hope to meet new people here. With the do-group during the Kick-In, that will probably be easy. I have also already signed up to follow hockey training. Other than that, I'll keep it simple for now, because I also want to find a job.'

Name: Emma Heyland
Age: 19 years
From: Zimbabwe
Study: Technical Computer Science

'I'm very enthusiastic about student life here. There is therefore no doubt that I will join an association. There is an association with motorcycles and I have experience with motorcycling. One hundred percent sure that I will become a member of that association. I also really like maths. My expectation is that it will be a lot of fun. The main choice to come to the Netherlands is because most people speak English well. Germany was also an option, but here people are more open. In any case, my first impression of what I see now is overwhelming.'

Name: Salmanul Faris
Age: 19 years
From: India
Study: Applied Mathematics

'Yesterday I arrived from India at the campus, where I now live. I'm a bit tense and nervous, but luckily there's a good atmosphere. I also like the fresh air. Why did I choose the Netherlands? It's a very nice country. The people are friendly, which is sometimes different in India. However, I will miss my own language and Indian food. Especially the rice dishes with chicken and spices. I hope to be able to learn from people who already have a lot of experience and knowledge. In India, I was already following lectures by various professors from my field of study via YouTube.'

Name: Gijs van Manen
Age: 18 years
From: De Lutte
Study: Creative Technology

'The fact that my programme has a collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam was very important to me. Certainly for the future, with a view to a follow-up study. Utrecht does not offer the Creative Technology programme. Otherwise, I would have liked to go in that direction. Many of my friends left for Nijmegen, but that's not an option for me. My preference lies in technology, so the choice ultimately fell on Enschede. Also easy of course, because I live in De Lutte. I don't know anyone here yet, so I'm going to participate in a lot of activities during the Kick-In. I'm also open to doing a lot of new things. I'm sure it's going to be a fun time.' 


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