Key gate leads to parliamentary questions

| Martin ter Denge

Member of Parliament Koekkoek of Volt has asked parliamentary questions in response to the plan to install digital locks on student houses in Enschede. Koekkoek wants to know whether the privacy risks of those types of locks have been considered.

Volt MP Koekkoek of Volt calls Minister Keijzer of Housing and State Secretary Szabo to account for the plans to install new, digital locks on student houses in Enschede. Earlier, the city council of Enschede voted against these plans.

Smartphone pressure

Koekkoek doesn't like the fact that this forces students to use a smartphone. She also doesn't think it's okay to keep track of who walks in and out and when:

'Can you explain what you think about the plans to switch to digital locks and the possible risks, including privacy risks, that play a role in this?'

Nationwide scope

She widens the scope to a national level and wants to know whether the minister and state secretary have a good idea of how many houses and residential complexes in the Netherlands have digital locks. And whether they can share this overview.

Finally, she wants to know what Keijzer and Szabo think about digital locks in the light of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (Right to respect for private and family life – ed.) and the GDPR. She points out that recently, a privacy regulator in Finland also disapproved of a similar practice.

The parliamentary questions must be answered within three weeks.

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