Why did you choose Twente?
'I have been living in the Netherlands for four years and studied at Saxion in Deventer. Choosing a suitable master's was not easy, until I came across the master's in Business Information Technology. For that course I only had to make a small adjustment in my pre-master's.'
Already found a place to live?
'Recently I found a flat with my boyfriend in Enschede, close to the city centre. The search was not easy. We searched for months and had to submit a lot of paperwork, but luckily we succeeded.'
What do you expect from your time as a student?
'I hope to learn a lot, that's the main thing. It has to be challenging, but also satisfying. I also hope to meet lots of new people and experience what university life is all about.'
Will you join an association?
Perhaps. I like sports, but I don't know yet if I will join an association. I will definitely go to the gym, but I might join a swimming or dancing club. I see so many clubs that I want to get an overview first.'
Have you been vaccinated?
'Not yet. The holidays didn't suit me the last few weeks, but I'm going to make an appointment. The advantage is that it's your turn now.'
What is your first impression?
'I am surprised how big the campus is, a bit overwhelming even. I also notice how international it is here, I like that. There wasn't even a single Dutch student in my introduction group. So far everything is positive.'
What are you going to do in the first few months here anyway?
'I am a bit worried about the combination between work and study that I will have to find. So organising my time is the main thing for now. Once I'm settled in, the rest will follow.'
What do you dread?
'Still, organising that time, but I'm sure that will work out. I am enthusiastic and motivated to start.'