‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ is the theme of the Psychology department’s 7th lustrum activities hosted all throughout the month of March by Dimensie, Psychology’s study association. ‘Every activity focuses on a different sin,’ explains Daphne Poorthuis, Secretary and Vice-chairman of Dimensie.
The opening party, held at ‘t Bölke on March 8th, kicks off celebrations with the theme ‘The Seven Deadly Sins.’ Pride is the theme of the gala dinner at Kook & Co, where attendees must dress their best. A Cantus at Sociëteit Asterion has theme of Gluttony, as there will be heavy drinking involved. Wrath is explored through a boxing workshop and a lecture on aggression. A pub quiz with the theme of Jealousy will be played with a twist: points can now be taken away from other teams.
There will also be a symposium on the topic of Greed, which includes a lecture on Neuromarketing and how to manage your money if you’ve just won the lottery. A guided tour to Amsterdam’s Red Light District with the theme of Lust will ‘provoke you to follow your desires and engage in lustful behaviour,’ says Daphne Poorthuis. Finally, the closing party, again at ‘t Bölke, has the theme of Sloth, and will be a party to relax and rest from a busy month full of fun activities.
While these activities are held in celebration of Psychology’s 7th lustrum, they are not limited to Psychology students only. All UT students are invited to join the Cantus on March 15th, the symposium on March 23rd, and the opening and closing parties on the 8th and 29th of March.