
Nieuws gemist? UT-studenten doen ‘alumni-tour’ & EU-miljoenen voor techmed-projecten

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Business & Career

De veelbelovende toekomst van CodeSandbox

Het verhaal van CodeSandbox leest als een jongensboek: een idee geboren op het strand krijgt serieuze vorm op de studentenkamers van twee UT-studenten en groeit uit tot miljoenenbedrijf. Amper vier jaar na oprichting gebruiken zo’n 2,5 miljoen programmeurs het platform van Bas Buursma en Ives van Hoorne (beiden 24 jaar) om nieuwe codes te schrijven en te delen.

Young alumni talk about entering the job market

UT graduates: ‘The biggest issue is the uncertainty’

What is it like to graduate and enter the job market right in the middle of a pandemic? ‘I really struggled with leaving the safe environment of the UT.’ Young UT alumni share how it feels to start the next stage of their life during the corona crisis.


Online Career Café connects student with alumni

The first UT Online Career Café will be held on the 17th of June. The virtual event allows students in the final phase of their studies to connect with UT alumni all over the world.


UT alumnus Daan Dohmen launched Corona Check app

Daan Dohmen, UT alumnus and an entrepreneur in healthcare, has launched the ‘Corona Check’ app through one of his companies Luscii. This app allows you to check yourself for COVID-19 symptoms and directly connects you to medical professionals. Open Access data from the app will also be analyzed by a UT team.


‘You can’t beat Mother Nature’

Exactly 127 days of total darkness, extreme temperatures of -56°C and a complete isolation from the rest of the world. ‘And then we heard about this disease that was killing a lot of people.’ UT alumnus Vishnu Nandan just returned from the Arctic. He describes his experience during the largest polar expedition in history.


‘It’s like it was meant to be’

They met in class in 2007, when they were both students at the UT. They fell in love, stayed together and graduated in the same week. Now married, Anne Steins (32) and Lex van Loon (31) are about to move to the Australian National University, where they will do research on space medicine and help to implement the field they both studied - Technical Medicine.

VR goggles allow sick children to play outside

‘I see a slide, I want to go there!’

Two UT alumni and a student of Creative Technology developed a virtual playground for sick children. The virtual-reality goggles are used for the first time at the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital in Utrecht. ‘The children believe they are in a completely different world.’

UT alumna Connie Nshemereirwe

‘As scientists, we are too divorced from our societies’

‘I hope this will be interesting enough for you, because I have a rather unusual story.’ She does indeed. Connie Nshemereirwe (45) is a scientist through and through, but this UT alumna is not following the traditional path of a researcher. She has stepped out of academia in order to have more impact on society. Now, self-employed and independent, the Ugandan actively creates a bridge between science and policy - as a trainer, writer, speaker and as the co-chair of the Global Young Academy.

‘It is no man’s land and a constant threat of polar bears’

ITC alumnus joins largest polar expedition in history

Four months of complete darkness and a high risk of being attacked by a polar bear. Those are just some of the dangers ITC alumnus Vishnu Nandan will be facing soon. This Friday, the researcher is embarking on the largest polar expedition in history.


ITC alumnus leads a mission to measure Mount Everest

Is Mount Everest shrinking or growing? We will soon have the answer. ITC alumnus Susheel Dangol is leading a team of 80 people, all dedicated to perform ‘the most accurate measurement’ of the highest mountain on the planet. ‘It is a matter of national pride.’

Institute of Brilliant Failures

‘It is my mission to create a place for failures’

Paul Iske (1961) obtained his cum laude doctoral degree in Applied Physics from the UT, but these days his business card reads ‘Chief Failure Officer’. His Institute of Brilliant Failures advocates for room to experiment and fail, as long as you do it right and learn from it.

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