UT pre-sorting for unit reorganisations

| Rense Kuipers

The UT is preparing for reorganisations at units that are not financially on track and 'where there are insufficient opportunities to achieve shrinkage'. This is stated in an email to the higher management of the university, which is in the hands of U-Today.

The UT Executive Board, with secretary general Susanne Wichman in the foreground.

The e-mail comes from UT secretary general Susanne Wichman. In it, she says that the Executive Board has 'reflected' on the UT's financial situation after a work meeting this week. 'It has been concluded that the most concrete colouring and adjustment is needed to get back on track according to the 2024 budget and to gain insight into how we as UT are going to fill in the financial task that lies ahead of us,' the secretary general writes.

'Simplify task'

Wichman then mentions the 'considerable task with the units that are currently not on track according to MARAP4'. 'The Executive Board is holding discussions about this and determining what is needed to achieve the 2024 budget'. In several meetings with senior management, the intention is that there will be 'coordination and support' about the next steps.

It then becomes clear what is on the table during those meetings, including preparing for reorganisations. During the meetings, it must become clear what the financial package of measures (the so-called 'building blocks') – with an emphasis on increasing student intake and increasing income from the second and third money streams – will yield. Stopping or reducing certain activities and targets for temporary hiring and a hiring freeze are also on the table.


The secretary general also hints at an organizational change, as the University Council recently mentioned. Such an organisational change – the e-mail states – is 'perhaps necessary' when it comes to 'harmonising the supporting processes per 'column' UT-wide, using integrated management'. It doesn't get any more concrete than that.

But the preparation of reorganisations is also on the table. Because if the above measures are not enough, it is a serious consideration to prepare reorganizations 'at units where there are insufficient other possibilities to achieve shrinkage', as is clear from the e-mail.

Three faculties – TNW, ITC, ET – are currently in the red, according to the latest management report, MARAP4. Many services expect to stay within budget this year, with the exception of Marketing & Communication (-6.5 tonnes), Strategy & Policy (-5 tonnes, which the service departement says it will compensate with external funding) and LISA (-4 tonnes).

'Heavy weather'

In her e-mail, Wichman also outlines the state of affairs regarding the UT's spring memorandum – with regards to the Supervisory Board and the University Council. The University Council did not agree with the plans last week and wants more clarity and commitments from the Executive Board. The Supervisory Board does agree with the financial framework for the coming years, but wants clarification on how the various elements ('building blocks, strategic decisions, proposed policy, targets, the changes in the units') will contribute to improving the UT's financial situation. The Supervisory Board is of the opinion that the Spring Memorandum provides a 'realistic-optimistic scenario', but – as the Supervisory Board warns: 'More heavy weather will follow.'

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