Last week it was announced that 47 jobs will disappear at the Faculty of Applied Sciences. In response to this message, Stultiens and Nordkamp drafted a letter with ten parliamentary questions. In this letter, the two members of GroenLinks-PvdA express their concerns about the reorganization. 'Are you aware of the impact on the shrinking region of Twente and its ambition to develop into a green technological top region?', is one of the questions to Minister Bruins.
Another question in the letter: 'Do you believe that the UT is of great regional importance and that the cuts in the Faculty of Applied Sciences not only affect the scientific interest, but also affect the Twente and Dutch revenue model?'
Other universities
Stultiens and Nordkamp do not only focus on the Twente region. They also want to know from Bruins whether similar intentions are known to other educational institutions. If the minister is aware of this, they want an overview of the institutions where the dismissal of staff and the abolition of departments/faculties is being considered. Bruins has not yet responded.
Not new
It is not the first time that parliamentary questions have been asked in connection with the cutbacks at the UT. For example, D66 MP Jan Paternotte asked questions in September about the cuts at the UT. In response, the minister then insisted on the autonomy of the UT.