Studentenfotografievereniging Foton probeert opnieuw als officieel erkende vereniging in beeld te komen. Initiatiefnemers hopen snel groen licht te krijgen van de Student Union.
Student photography association Foton is once again trying to get into the picture as an officially recognised association. Initiators hope to get the green light from the Student Union soon.
De UT heeft talloze clubs, genootschappen, studentenhuizen en verenigingen. Wat houdt ze in stand? Wat bindt de leden of bewoners? In deze dertigste aflevering: Esportsvereniging Blueshell.
The UT has countless clubs, fraternities, sororities and associations. What keeps them going? What binds the members together? In this thirtieth episode: Esports association Blueshell.
De UT heeft talloze clubs, genootschappen en verenigingen. Wat houdt ze in stand? Wat bindt de leden? In deze achttiende aflevering van ‘Clubgevoel’: quadbalvereniging Twentse Thestrals.
The UT has countless clubs, fraternities, sororities and associations. What keeps them going? What binds the members together? In this eighteenth episode of 'United': quadball club Twentse Thestrals.