Charity to give back to the world

| Christian Orriëns

Atlantis, the study association of University College ATLAS, is organizing a charity dinner for its members, followed by a charity concert at the Vestingbar this evening. Proceeds will be donated to the Global Greengrants Fund.

Study association Atlantis celebrates its first lustrum year and has three goals to commemorate its fifth anniversary, says third year ATLAS student Natasha Birari (20). ‘To set the trend for future generations, integrate all parts of the community of Atlantis and to give back to the world.’


‘We want to set the trend for future lustrum years by going all out this year and to show and experiment with possible activities for the lustrum,’ says Birari. ‘We integrate the community with the charity dinner and an auction where members and professors sell their experience to the highest bidder. For example, students can bid on a photography course with an experienced student. We have a professor who is also a good woodworker. He offers his woodworking services. Lastly we want to give back to the world, thus all of the proceeds go to Global Greengrants Fund.’

According to Birari, choosing Global Greengrants Fund was a logical step for multiple reasons. ‘The charity has an outstanding track record of reliability and focuses on improving environmental issues in a lot of countries. One example is the women’s water initiative. Due to multiple reasons, water sources are drying up or being contaminated. In a lot of countries women are responsible for providing water for their communities, therefore women now suffer since they are in charge of said water sources. The Global Greengrants Fund wants to help these women.’

Concert at the Vestingbar

Four bands will perform at the Vestingbar this evening: Ciska de Rat, Undressed Broccoli, ArtJazz and Soulz. All of them are going to try their very best to let attendees spend some money. ‘We raise funds for the charity by selling a special Atlantis style shot called Poseidon. Also, a part of the proceeds from sold drinks is donated to the charity,’ says Birari, who is looking forward to the event. ‘Organizing such an evening is extremely hard work. I am really proud of my committee. Everyone has a lot of energy and pitched in very hard for the lustrum. This already partially paid out since we already raised 400 euros during our lustrum kick-off event at the start of the year.’

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