S&T faculty reorganises: 'Devastated to have to do this’

| Stan Waning

The Faculty of Science & Technology (S&T) is going to reorganise because of the financial crisis in which the UT finds itself. This is evident from an email that was sent to S&T employees on Friday. The faculty sees no alternative.

The email was sent by Dean Jennifer Herek and portfolio holder for operations Jan-Willem Timmerman. ‘As a faculty, we are facing a budget deficit for the fourth consecutive year. Also, for the coming years, we are confronted with a structural deficit of more than 8 million euros (10% of our first money stream) and the task of rectifying it. Unfortunately, this is not possible without a formal reorganization,’ the duo writes, without specifying exactly what that reorganization will look like.

'Cooperation remains crucial'

Herek and Timmerman say the decision to reorganize was not an easy one to make. ‘We are devastated to have to do this but realize after broad consultation that there is no alternative.' More information and criteria will follow in the coming weeks, which will be used to make choices. 'Your cooperation regarding the already announced cost-saving measures implemented by both the faculty and UT remains crucial, so that we can minimize the magnitude of the reorganization.’

Red figures

The message from the Faculty of S&T does not come as a total surprise. During the university council meeting on 10 July, the Executive Board painted a gloomy picture for the future. Three scenarios were shared. Since the best-case scenario is now the least realistic – the minister has already announced that the cutbacks in higher education will continue – the UT can hardly avoid taking measures through reorganisations.

The Faculty of S&T is now taking an advance on this. In June, it was already announced that the faculty is largely accountable for the red figures that the UT expects to write again this year. The Faculty of S&T budgeted a deficit of 2.2 million euros for 2024, but at that time was heading for a deficit of almost 7 million euros, according to the figures from the first management report this year.

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